On monday 13 July, the EURONEWS team gave three lightning talks hosted by the Society for Renaissance Studies. The general theme of this evening was ‘Rediscovering the Medici Avvisi.’ The team higlighted several aspects of the project’s progress. Brendan Dooley opened the session with an overview of the project’s scope and goals. In the second talk, Wouter Kreuze presented some of the data from the 1600 experiment. In the third and last talk, Carlotta Paltrinieri and Sara Mansutti discussed several challenges posed by the corpus’ multilingual character.

For those who have not had the chance yet, watch the lightning talks here below:

Over 60 people participated to the evening. During the Q&A following the talks, the quests posed interesting questions that gave the EURONEWS team the opportunity to give in-depth answers to some of the corpus’ most intruiging aspects.

Wouter Kreuze

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